Perth’s Nicholas Allbrook has been making waves with his solo album the last couple of months, and his latest video clip for single Did I Just Arrive Here? is no exception! Complete with hoverboarding animals and futuristic backdrops, the clip is pretty much Nick – or at least Nick’s album Ganough, Wallis and Fatunah – in video form. Allbrook […]
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As PBD (Post BIGSOUND Depression) sets in heavier than expected (seriously, what are we meant to do now?!) two Scenewavers look back on the 48 hours that was, and try to narrow their time down to just five highlights each. Less than 12 months to go ’til next year, right?! Andrew 5. SAFIA One of […]
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BIGSOUND Live is just around the corner, and with an almost overwhelming array of acts to choose from, Scenewavers Emma and Andrew thought they’d give you a bit of a hand in who you definitely cannot miss this year! Check it out! Andrew’s top 5: Rolls Bayce (Wednesday 8-8.30 @ The Zoo) Hungry Kids of […]
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